Where to Purchase Calcium Hypochlorite (Hypochlorous Acid)

We have vetted and approve of purchasing Hypochlorous Acid (Calcium Hypochlorite) with this manufacturer: DiscoverWPS
There is a one time membership fee of $10 to access the site. Below is a description of why they charge a membership fee.
Why Become a Member of this Association?
"As a private individual, you have the freedom to choose how you achieve or maintain your health and wellness. Obtaining supplies from public providers to achieve this goal is becoming difficult, as said providers experience interference or sanctions or are barred completely from supplying.
By becoming a member of this private, member’s only association, you preserve your choices, maintain privacy and stay in control of your own health and well-being. The cost to join the association is $10 for a lifetime membership".
In our many hours of research, this site has the lowest prices and a superior product. You are free to purchase Calcium Hypochlorite wherever you want, we just want to give you a great option.
Should you choose to purchase Calcium Hypochlorite at a pool supply store, make sure it is at least 70-78% available Cal Hypo. They may use the word Chlorine in the description, that is because the public only knows about using chlorine in their pool and would not understand it being called calcium hypochlorite.
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