MMS 6 and 6 Protocol
MMS 6 and 6 Protocol
Protocol 6 and 6 is something that can be used on its own—separate from all the other protocols. This protocol consists of taking a 6-drop dose of MMS1 and waiting one hour and then taking another 6-drop dose of MMS1. The purpose of this protocol is to handle many acute things that seem to pop up from time to time such as colds coming on, headaches, fevers, a touch of food poisoning, or any kind of sickness that seems to be just starting, or immediately after being exposed to a bad disease, or germs. It also has been proven successful with chronic pains, even those that have persisted for many months or years. It should be used immediately after any kind of an accident, the sooner the better, even at the scene of the accident. Protocol 6 and 6 has proven successful in a wide range of situations, therefore we suggest you keep some MMS and acid activator handy at all times, so you can mix up an MMS1 dose whenever needed.
Prepare a 6-drop dose of MMS: Add 6 drops of Sodium Chlorite and 6 drops of Hydrochloric Acid in a clean, dry glass. Be sure the drops turn yellow/amber in color
- Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of distilled/Zero/reverse osmosis water. Drink down the 6-drop dose
In one hour prepare another 6-drop dose and drink it down
- The following hour, after taking your second 6-drop dose, if you are feeling OK, then that’s it
- If you are not feeling OK by the end of the second hour, it is time to get started on the Starting Procedure, the Low and Slow Protocol. From the time you took your last 6-drop dose (of Protocol 6 and 6), start with 1/4-drop doses each hour for the rest of the day
- The next day (day two), go right into the second day of the Starting Procedure, which is taking 1/2-drop doses every hour for eight hours
- Continue on to complete days three and four of the Starting Procedure
- When finished with the Starting Procedure, proceed from there on to Protocol 1000
Note: Protocol 6 and 6 often handles a variety of oncoming illnesses quickly by destroying pathogens before they are able to get a strong hold in the body. However, we have found that when these first two 6-drop doses do not nip the problem in the bud, then it is best to go to hourly doses. Continuing to take 6-drop doses every hour, will likely cause a Herxheimer reaction and this will slow healing in the long-run. So, if after two 6-drop doses you are not well, begin the Starting Procedure, the Low and Slow Protocol.
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