Macro shot of blue different sized transparent bubbles of hypochlorous acid in water

What is Hypochlorous Acid?

Everything you need to know about Hypochlorous Acid in under 5 minutes

We're kicking it back to the basics with everything you need to know about hypochlorous acid. This video is jam-packed with the fastest chemistry lesson ever, a fun pronunciation guide, the recipe for making your own hypochlorous acid, and more--all under 5 minutes! Plus, you'll learn some new words to impress your friends with.

"The New AIDS"

Because prions are so difficult to kill, and because they've been identified in the blood supply, some are calling prion diseases "the new AIDS." 




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Is this hocl treatment a new discovery?
Are there things hocl can do that CDs can’t or fades in comparison?
Like this prion treatment?


I want to make HOCI by myself, but I have a few questions hope you didn’t mind to help.

Are you use this eco one to make your HOCI?
https ://

And can it’s instead of MMS2? If it can, would you tell me how to transfer between ppm and mg? I fould information from internet but I can’t sure it’s right.

I am very appropriate for you to share this great information, help me a lot. If can have your reply, I am very grateful.

Best regards,
From bindu


We don’t sell MMS, DMSO or HOCl on our website, we only share information. We do offer links to trusted suppliers all over the world. Click on the MMS tab and you will see where to purchase all of those items. If you have the Telegram app you can ask us questions in live time 24/7 on our channel
@MMSDrinkingBuddy plus you can join our other channel where we hold live Q&A voice chats Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm EST in the United States

You Had Me at TRUTH (Lana)

Do you ship to new Zealand

Branislav Kozina

You can make your own Hypochlorous Acid at home with just water, kosher salt and a Eco One Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) Generator.
To learn more please visit:

You Had Me at TRUTH (Lana)

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