DMSO Eye and Ear Drop Protocol

DMSO Eye Drop Protocol for Almost ANY Eye Problems: (ear drop below)
(Cataracts, Glaucoma, Stye, Dry Eye, Pink Eye, Macular Degeneration, Floaters and Cholesterol Deposits)
NOTE: Remove all eye make-up before using DMSO in the eyes.
*If you wear contact lenses, please remove prior to using the DMSO eye drops and wait 30 minutes before putting back in.
*You CANNOT use DMSO in the eyes with artificial lens)
Before getting started, if you are not familiar with DMSO Click Here to learn more.
Also, if you have never used DMSO, take the DMSO Allergy Test first.
Always use DMSO that is 99%+ pure grade. You can purchase it HERE.
We find using a 0.9% Normal Saline solution to be less irritating to the eyes over distilled water or Zero water. You can also make your own saline solution.
DMSO Eye Drops
- Use any size glass eye dropper bottle and fill it 20% of the way with DMSO.
- Fill the rest of the bottle with 0.9% normal saline, distilled or Zero water.
- This is not a perfect science as there is tolerance for less or more DMSO.
- You may go as high as filling the bottle 40% of the way with DMSO but that's as high as you should go when treating the eyes.
- Use the 20% solution for 2 weeks before using a stronger solution.
- Some will recommend using the DMSO eye drops 1-2x/daily. Others use the DMSO drops hourly in conjunction with the MMS eye drops.
- If you are using the MMS eye drops, use those first to flush the eyes, immediately after place 1-2 drops of the DMSO eye drops in each eye.
- If using just the DMSO eye drops, place 1-2 drops in each eye. Start off using 1-2x/daily and working up to more if tolerated.
- DMSO eye drop solution will last in a glass bottle for quite some time (1+ years) so does not need to be replaced.
***As with any new to you protocol the best rule of thumb is to start slowly and work your way up.
WARNING: Do Not Use DMSO if you are pregnant or nursing
DMSO Ear Drop Protocol for Almost ANY Ear Problems:
(Infections, Earache, Tinnitus, Ruptured Eardrum, Inflammation and more)
Follow the same recipe as the above DMSO Eye Drop Protocol.
- Place 1-2 drops in each ear 3-4x/daily or as needed for pain
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