What is Vaginal Atrophy?

What is Vaginal Atrophy?
Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) is thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to your body having less estrogen. Vaginal atrophy occurs most often after menopause.
Atrophy is symptom of menopause. Your quality of life can be greatly improved with vaginal estrogen and vaginal trainers/dilators.
For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful, but also leads to distressing urinary symptoms. Because of the interconnected nature of the vaginal and urinary symptoms of this condition, experts agree that a more accurate term for vaginal atrophy and its accompanying symptoms is "genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM)."
Symptoms of Atrophic Vaginitis
With moderate to severe genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), you may experience the following vaginal and urinary signs and symptoms:
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal burning
- Vaginal discharge
- Genital itching
- Burning with urination
- Urgency with urination
- More urinary tract infections
- Urinary incontinence
- Light bleeding after intercourse
- Discomfort with intercourse
- Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual activity
- Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal
What are some of the possible causes?
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is caused by a decrease in estrogen production. Less estrogen makes your vaginal tissues thinner, drier, less elastic, and more fragile. Estrogen therapy, as well as pelvic floor physical therapy including dilator therapy, is usually included in the treatment plan.
A drop in estrogen levels may occur:
- After menopause
- During the years leading up to menopause (perimenopause)
- After surgical removal of both ovaries (surgical menopause)
- After pelvic radiation therapy for cancer
- After chemotherapy for cancer
- As a side effect of breast cancer hormonal treatment
GSM signs and symptoms may begin to bother you during the years leading up to menopause, or it may not become a problem until several years into menopause.
Although the condition is common, not all menopausal women experience GSM. Regular sexual activity, with or without a partner, can help you maintain healthy vaginal tissues.
How is Vaginal Atrophy treated?
To treat genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), your doctor may first recommend that you:
- Try a vaginal moisturizerto restore some moisture to your vaginal area. You may have to apply the moisturizer every two to three days. The effects of a moisturizer generally last a little longer than those of a lubricant.
- Use a water-based lubricant(Slippery Stuff) to reduce discomfort during intercourse. Choose products that don't contain glycerin because women who are sensitive to this chemical may experience burning and irritation.
- Avoid petroleum jelly or other petroleum-based products for lubrication if you're also using condoms. Petroleum can break down latex condoms on contact.
- Perform Vaginal Dilator Therapy to relax muscles and create blood flow to the area creating natural lubrication. This will help lessen any pain that’s felt during sexual intercourse. Love your body and be nice to it.
To learn more about Vaginal Dilator Therapy, click here.
Women who have a history of cancer, uterine fibroids, or are older than 60 are not recommended to go through with estrogen treatment for any reason because the risks outweigh any potential benefit. Many women use DIM and other Natural Estrogen Support Supplements.
If you fall into any of these categories, it’s worth exploring some natural options which can provide relief with little to no side effects.
Note: Before trying any of these remedies, do make sure to consult your healthcare provider to check if these options are right for you.
7 Natural Treatments for Vaginal Atrophy
This oil is often used in Asian countries as a remedy for genital and uterine inflammation. Studies show that sea buckthorn oil, taken orally, significantly helps increase lubrication and works as an effective topical treatment for post-menopausal women.
It also helped reduce other menopausal symptoms like night sweats. Scientists theorize that the fatty acids in the oil could help improve vaginal lubrication and reduce inflammation.
- Probiotics That’s right. The natural yogurt sitting in your fridge could contain bacteria that help your symptoms. Studies have found that a low amount of lactobacillus (the bacteria present in most probiotics) was associated with symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
Researchers suggest that probiotics could be an effective way to keep the bacterial environment in the vagina dominated by lactobacillus. Hence it could make a safe alternative to prescribed treatments.
Studies show that vitamin E as suppositories show success in treating vaginal atrophy. Researchers note that it does take longer to show results, but it can be just as effective as topical estrogen creams. This makes a great option for women who can’t use hormone-based therapy because of a history of cancer or other factors.
Vitamin D is another suppository supplement that can alleviate symptoms of atrophy. Women who received the suppository reported significant improvement which was medically proven as well. Results showed that vaginal pH as well as dryness improved with the help of this treatment. Vitamin D, like vitamin E, is a great option for women who can’t or don’t want to opt for hormone therapy.
Black cohosh is an herb well known for easing menopausal symptoms. Studies show that it can improve vaginal blood flow and raise interest in sex especially in the early stages of menopause. This means that it could raise libido and improve lubrication. It’s possible that black cohosh could be used as a preventative for vaginal atrophy.
St. John’s Wort is a plant which has been used in medical treatments since ancient times. Research suggests that preparations and extracts using this plant can be an option for treatment if women are reluctant to try prescription treatment.
This should be at #1. A Vaginal Cream & Lubricant - Helps relieve feminine dryness & itching, the Ideal lubricant has about 70% Aloe Vera gel, and is gentle, odor-free and helps relieve personal feminine discomfort. Helps restore moisture to delicate vaginal area.
Just place a small amount of lubricant on clean fingertips, then apply to the delicate feminine area, from front to back. You need a gentle product that you can repeat as needed 3 or 4 times daily.
More Tips to Keep in Mind
Other than these supplemental treatments, there are a few lifestyle changes you can adopt as part of treatment:
- Try to maintain a healthy weight and body mass index. However, don’t drop the weight too quickly.
- Exercise may help promote blood circulation and balance out hormone levels. Excess exercise can lead to dryness so don’t overdo it.
- Avoid using over the counter douches, or any feminine hygiene products that are scented. Vaginal atrophy already makes you vulnerable to infections and these products make it worse.
Vaginal atrophy can be frustrating and painful to deal with, but fortunately, these natural treatments and lifestyle changes can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Eradicate Infection:
Those who have an infection will need to get rid of it ASAP. MMS Douching is highly suggested.
Supporting protocols are designed to provide targeted, specialized MMS treatment. They should be used in addition to an MMS protocol like Protocol 1000, etc. to achieve the maximum benefit from treatment.
Some women have been told that douching disrupts the natural bacterial balance of the vagina, and although there is some truth to this (you probably shouldn’t douche all the time), this statement isn’t entirely true.
Even though long-term douching might cause more problems than benefits, douching with Chlorine Dioxide as a shorter-term treatment for illness can be extremely helpful (if not essential in some cases), particularly for women who are suffering from some of the ailments listed below:
- Vaginal yeast infections
- UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)
- Reproductive organ cancers (uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, etc.)
- Bladder cancer
- Breast cancer
- Lymphoma
- Lymphatic disease
- Lymphadenitis
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Trichomoniasis
- STDs and STIs
- Vaginal/cervical cysts or tumors
This douching protocol not only helps kill and remove toxins and pathogens from the vaginal tract and the surrounding areas, but it also can help prevent breast cancer and lymphatic problems in women. The Chlorine Dioxide is absorbed directly into the lymphatic system through the cervix, where it can then be carried to the breasts or to other areas of the body via the lymph.
Thus, some other problems that seem unrelated to the reproductive system in women that has to do with the lymphatic system (such as lymphoma, for example,) that may also benefit from Chlorine Dioxide douche treatment.
To prepare and use a Chlorine Dioxide douche, you will first need to get a 500ml (2 cup) douching bag. A larger bag can be used, but it’s not necessary, so if you don’t already have a douche then this is the size of douche you’ll need for this protocol. Some people have an enema bag that came with the douching attachment. If you are prepared to keep it sanitized, you can use it for double duty, for enema and douche.
Follow the steps outlined below to start:
- Activate 5 drops of Sodium Chlorite solution + 5 drops of Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in a glass container.
- Wait 30 seconds and the drops should have turned a yellowish or amber color.
- Now add 2 cups (500ml) of water and swirl around to incorporate.
- Pour the water into your douching bag and set yourself up in the bath or shower, (or however you can), to do this protocol.
- When you administer the douche, start the flow, and then wait until the water starts to flow back out of the vagina.
- Then close the valve and hold the solution in for as long as you can (think of it like you’re doing a prolonged Kegel), then release. If you can’t, that’s fine. No acrobatics needed.
- Repeat Step 2 until all the water is gone.
- You may increase the drop dosage up to 30 activated drops per douche if you don’t experience any burning or other types of discomfort.
- If you do start to experience this, cut the dose in half, and work your way back up to a higher dosage gradually.
- This protocol may be completed up to 4-5 times per day in the case of cancer or severe infections, or it may even be administered every hour for up to 10 hours of the day in some cases. (If this is the only way to save her life, do it. Buy her time.)
- Always listen to your body, though, and if this seems like too much, back off until you feel like you can handle more.
For less severe problems, douche between 1-4 times per day and make sure to do your last douche of the day (in either case) before bedtime. Doing this final douche before bed encourages better absorption of the Chlorine Dioxide medicine.
Some women may have somewhat of a burning sensation when they do this Chlorine Dioxide douche. If this happens to you, either decrease the number of drops or increase the amount of water that you use per douche (without decreasing the Chlorine Dioxide dosage).
If you have burning on the vulva or close to the exterior of your vagina, you may use some pure Aloe Vera gel to ease the discomfort.
If you want, you may also choose to administer DMSO with your Chlorine Dioxide douche. Do not incorporate the DMSO into the water you put in the douche, unless you’re using a silicone bag, approved for Chlorine Dioxide usage.
If it’s a regular plastic bag, the DMSO could eat away at the plastic or rubber and carry potentially toxic substances from these materials into your body, directly into your bloodstream.
Instead, either before or after you administer the Chlorine Dioxide you can use a glass pipette (or something that you’d get from a dropper bottle, for example) to administer 2 drops of DMSO per MMS1 drop you’re using (or, you can simply administer a full dropper-full of DMSO into your vagina, which might actually be easier in a lot of cases since you won’t be able to SEE the drops).
Adding DMSO can increase the effectiveness of the Chlorine Dioxide medicine, especially in cases where the illness is serious. Keep in mind, however, that DMSO can be drying, so if you experience pain from dryness or less vaginal lubrication at any point, you may decrease the DMSO dosage or take a break for a few days if needed.
For women doing douches multiple times per day with Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO, consider only incorporating the DMSO into a few of the douches so that you don’t accidentally dry out your vagina too much (since this could do more harm than good… you want things to stay relatively lubricated if possible).
Links: https://www.vuvatech.com/pages/vaginalatrophy