MMS Animal Protocol 2-4 lbs (0.9 -1.8 kg)

MMS Animal Protocol
MMS Animal Protocol
by Jim Humble

The information shared here is not comprehensive. For a more thorough understanding of how MMS can help your animals, you can purchase Jim Humble's Health Recovery Guidebook here.

All of the protocols can be applied to most mammal animals (there are some variations for ruminants (e.g., cows, sheep, goats, etc.), purchase Jim's book above for more information) from dogs and cats, to horses, hamsters, and elephants. Here are some general guidelines and rules for animals, which if followed should allow you to handle most of their diseases and health problems.

Basically all the same rules apply for animals as with people when using MMS. That is, if the animal seems to get better with what you are doing, keep up with what you are doing. Do not change anything. If the animal seems to get sicker with MMS, such as having diarrhea or vomiting, then reduce the dosage you are giving by one half, but do not stop. If you do not see positive results of any kind within three to four days, you would then go to the next level of the protocol. With animals, I suggest less waiting time than with people before going to the next level of the protocol, because normally animals respond (heal) faster than humans.

  • Oral dosage of MMS is different for animals than for humans and depends on their weight.

Calculating Doses and Explanation of Measurements for Animals

The size of the dosage should always be determined by the weight of the animal. 

Cup1: You will need to prepare a solution of MMS1 (activated MMS) in water, from which you will measure out a certain amount of drops or milliliters of the solution to give to your animal. As stated above, the dosage for animals is determined by the weight of the animal. Cup1 is a weaker solution of MMS1. It is for small animals, because they need a very small amount. Therefore the solution you are taking drops from needs to be much weaker than for larger animals. Larger animals will use Cup 2 or MMS activated drops. 

Measurement for Cup1: Activate 1 drop of MMS, count 30 seconds, then add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water. From this solution you will measure out drops or milliliters to give your animal.

Note: Use distilled, reverse osmosis or a Zero water 5-Stage Filter Pitcher for these solutions.

Adding water to the animal’s dose: Never give an animal MMS1 (activated MMS) without adding water. Each animal is different and will need a different amount of water for its doses. Evaluate your animal carefully. Determine what is a normal drink of water for that animal. (In other words, you want to determine what is the normal amount of water that your animal drinks at one time.) Add the amount of MMS1 you have determined is the right amount for your animal (according to weight) from Cup1, Cup2, or MMS1 drops, to the amount of water that you have determined is a normal drink of water for the animal, and have the animal drink it. This may be easier said than done at first. I have used a small syringe for small animals, or a large syringe or turkey baster for larger animals, to squirt a dose down the animal’s throat. You may know of a better method.

Starting Procedure dosage for animals. As with humans, always start with the Starting Procedure for animals.

Protocol 1000 dosage for animals. When doing Protocol 1000 for people, you work up gradually to the 3-drop dose; for animals the equivalent to a 3-drop dose is the third figure.
  • Always start with the Starting Procedure then move on to Protocol 1000, increasing the dosage slowly to the maximum dose for Protocol 1000, but no higher than the dose listed for the weight of your animal.

  • If at any time you notice your animal getting sicker you have increased his dose too quickly. Reduce the dose immediately by 50%. When the sickness passes, gradually build back up to the desired dosage.

If the animal does not show signs of improvement after two days, move on to Protocol 1000 Plus. This means add DMSO to each oral dose. Continue using the same dosage amounts for Protocol 1000 and add the following amounts of DMSO:
  • Cup1—add 3 drops of DMSO
  • Cup2—add 24 drops of DMSO
  • MMS1 drops—for every 1 drop of MMS1, add 3 drops of DMSO
Please take special note, that once you add DMSO to the MMS1 mixture in Cup1 and Cup2, it will only maintain full strength for two hours. The “cups” with DMSO added will need to be made up fresh every third hour.

Protocol 2000 dosage for animals. Although Protocol 2000 for people calls for taking MMS1 and MMS2 (HOCl), we will only be using MMS1. This is because normally you would not give an animal MMS2, although there are rare exceptions to this rule. The principle of Protocol 2000 is you work up to taking as many MMS1 drops as you can per hour but without getting sick (in this case without your animal getting sick).

So, the first number is the amount you would begin giving to your animal. This is assuming you have had your animal on Protocol 1000, and worked up to the maximum 3-drop dose equivalent for your animal’s weight that Protocol 1000 calls for. At that point, you start increasing the dosage as is called for in Protocol 2000. If you have not worked up to the equivalent 3-drop dose, then start from whatever dosage you are at and begin gradually increasing the drops in the dose. The second number is the maximum amount of MMS1 that an animal is likely to be able to take according to the animal’s weight—never go over the second figure listed.
  • Start with the first number given and then increase the amount of MMS1 in small increments after every two to three doses as it seems the animal can take it. Or, if you notice an improvement do not change the dose from that point until there is no more improvement, then you can increase slowly but do not go over the second figure.
  • If at any time your animal has diarrhea, vomits, or shows other signs of increased sickness, decrease the dosage by 50%. The last amount you gave without the animal getting sicker is most likely the correct dosage, so stick with that amount.
  • Remember, on this protocol continue giving DMSO along with MMS1.

Measuring: It is helpful to have on hand a 10-milliliter syringe for smaller animals, or a larger 50-milliliter syringe for larger animals, to measure out milliliters (ml) for your animal. This can usually be purchased online, from an animal feed store, or veterinarian.

Note: Use glass or good quality plastic water bowls for your animals if putting MMS in their drinking water. On the other hand, if you activate MMS first in a glass or plastic container making it MMS1 and add water, then after it is activated and mixed with water it is OK to put in metal containers that are often used for animals. Do not mix up unactivated MMS (sodium chlorite) and hydrochloric acid activator directly in a metal bowl or metal cup. First activate and add water in a glass or plastic cup, then put it in the bowl.

Supporting and Additional Protocols for Animals
For animals, it isn’t always easy, but you can use nearly all the other protocols on animals if you need to use them. Using MMS1 protocols for the eyes, ears, nose, skin problems (spray bottle), the patch, and everything except the oral doses should be the same strength for animals as for people.

Daily Maintenance
For healthy and recovered animals you can do daily maintenance with MMS. Use only Sodium Chlorite (unactivated) in your animal's water. 1 drop of sodium chlorite per cup of water or 16-20 drops sodium chlorite per gallon of water. 

: Horses and some other animals cannot vomit so be careful to not give your animal, especially a horse, too much MMS, because making a horse sick is more dangerous than making someone sick who can vomit (because vomiting is the body’s way of getting rid of unwanted things, poisons, etc.). However, horses respond to MMS quickly, usually more quickly than people and I have seen a horse overcome a cold using MMS1 in half an hour. Expect most animals to respond quickly.

Animal Protocol Dosage
Weight of animal: 2 - 4 lbs. (0.9 -1.8 kg)
Starting Procedure: 9–18–27 drops-C1
Protocol 1000: 2.0–3.0–4.0 ml-C1
Protocol 2000: 5.0–10.0 ml-C1

***It is helpful to have on hand a 10-milliliter syringe***

Make an MMS solution of 1 activated drop in 4 ounces of water, this will need to be made fresh everyday. This is considered Cup 1 or C1. Keep this solution in a covered container in the fridge.

Starting Procedure:
Starting Dose) 9 drops from Cup 1 hourly

Middle Dose) 18 drops from Cup 1 hourly

Maximum Dose) 27 drops from Cup 1 hourly

Protocol 1000:
Starting Dose) 2 ml from Cup 1 hourly

Middle Dose) 3 ml from Cup 1 hourly

Maximum Dose) 4 ml from Cup 1 hourly

Protocol 2000:
Starting Dose) 4.0 ml Cup 1 hourly

Maximum Dose) 8.0 ml Cup 1 hourly

Continue until the animal feels better, then go on maintenance. 

If at any time your animal has diarrhea, vomits, or shows other signs of increased sickness, decrease the dosage by 50%. The last amount you gave without the animal getting sicker is most likely the correct dosage, so stick with that amount.

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